"Helping you Navigate your way through Medicare"


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Heritage Medicare Agency


What is Medicare anyway, and how does it work? What does it cover? Is Medicare insurance?                                                                                     
Though these may seem like simple questions, the answer is complex. However, you’ve come to the right place for Medicare information.
Getting Medicare is a major milestone. Once you have become Medicare eligible and enroll, you can choose to get your Medicare benefits from Original Medicare, the traditional fee-for-service program offered directly through the federal government, or from a Medicare Advantage Plan, a type of private insurance offered by companies that contract with Medicare. 

5 important facts:

  1. Some people get Medicare automatically, and some have to sign up. You may have to sign up if you’re 65 (or almost 65) and not getting Social Security.
  2. There are certain times of the year when you can sign up or change how you get your coverage.
  3. If you sign up for Medicare Part B when you’re first eligible, you can avoid a penalty.
  4. You can choose how you get your Medicare coverage.
  5. You may be able to get help with your Medicare costs.


The different parts of Medicare help cover specific services:
  • Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)
    Part A covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care.
  • Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
    Part B covers certain doctors’ services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventive services.
  • Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage)
    Helps cover the cost of prescription drugs (including many recommended shots or vaccines).

Navigating the Medicare maze by yourself can be a lonely place, Let's take this journey together.

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